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Monday, September 20, 2010

newest of the zeehats

When I was seven my mom tired to teach me how to knit.  I failed at it. The scarf I was trying to make got wider as it got longer.  At that time I decided that knitting was not for me.  It was not until I was in college that for what ever reason I decided to try and knit again.  By no means am I good at knitting, I don't even know how to read a pattern. But knitting does take up some of my spare time and it keeps my hands busy while watching TV or movies.

My past two summer were spent working at a camp in Alaska.  The first summer I made all the female staff along with a few male staff each their own headbands.  I also taught a few others how to knit and some had the same problem I did when I was seven.  This past summer the first wal-mart trip brought me bright pink and green yarn, in which case by the end of the first session all the staff had headbands made from this pink and green.  It made me feel good to see them all wear them throughout the summer.  I was also able to make a few hats this summer.  Two of which went to Italy for my sister in law and niece,  a few others were left with friends to keep their heads warm this winter.
The hat that I made today has not been knitted but it was crocheted.  My twin sister came home college able to crocheted.  She taught me how and well lets face it, I was not a huge fan of crochet.  It's easier and takes up way less time then knitting, but I kinda just like how knits look compared to crochets.  My lovely kitchen assistant this summer crocheted and see made some of best looking crocheted hats I had ever seen.  As she taught everyone how to crochet I taught them all how to knit. But she was not the one that taught me how to crochet and the ones she taught would ask me questions on how to fix their projects.  I would help them out but sorta laugh at the same time because I'd never made anything by crocheting.  I knew how to do it because of my sister and mom.  So today I decided it was time to start being crafty again and I made the hat posted above.  I need to actually see if I was capable at crocheting a project from start to finish.  I succeed, its the most beautiful piece of work but it's not bad for my first crocheted hat.


  1. I think your new hat is pretty. How long did it take to figure out how to do the pink flower on the side? It's lovely.

  2. I love it!!! Are you fast at it?

  3. didn't take that long for me to figure out the flower. I looked on line for pictures of flowers to see how others made em and then started playing around and 5 minutes later I had one to place on the hat. The whole thing took maybe a few hours to make.

  4. Beautiful! You should sell them!
